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person sitting in a chair in front of a man
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Let's be honest: men and women are different, and even that statement is pretty diminutive of the truth.

Men and women feel things differently. They think about things differently and go through different things. Their experiences and knowledge base are different.

Sometimes, this means men and women don't understand each other very well. The best way to solve a mystery is to ask a question, but men sometimes feel nervous about doing so. They don't want to offend women by getting too personal, and they don't know how else to proceed.

That's why it's a good thing Reddit exists. Men have finally asked their questions, and women have answered!

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People Divulge Which Things They Love Doing That Most People Hate

We all have different perhaps strange activities that are satisfying.

There isn't really any cut-and-dry format to what we should enjoy.

There are however many things that most of the populace are adverse to.

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People Break Down Which Things Make Someone Instantly Likable

What makes someone likable? A smile, the way they speak, how they treat others? What is the quality you notice first? The thing that stands out the most when meeting a new person for me isn't simply if they have good qualities but how natural it seems to be for them.

If they had to pause and think about it to make a big gesture out of doing something nice they probably aren't like that in their downtime. The people who volunteer and do good deeds without posting about it, telling everyone about it, and just go on like that's a normal part of this day--those are my people.

Recognition is great but the people who do good deeds in private, those people typically have good hearts.

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Yo, people are rude AF.

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People Share The Stupidest Question Someone Has Ever Asked Them

We've all heard the phrase "there are no stupid questions" but ... um ... most of us would beg to differ.

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