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Many couples who've been together for many years will often look for a way to "spice up" their relationship.

Worried that their relationship has or is getting stale, they look for ways to reignite the flame that lit the fire when they first met.

One idea which is becoming more and more common among couples is to open their relationship up.

Allowing each other to see and have fun with other people, while remaining committed to one another.

For some, this proves just the ticket, as it opens up communication between the two of them, while also letting them meet new people and explore areas they hadn't with their partner.

For others, however, the very notion is a firm no, and the suggestion might even put their relationship in worse jeopardy than it was already in.

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Let's be honest: men and women are different, and even that statement is pretty diminutive of the truth.

Men and women feel things differently. They think about things differently and go through different things. Their experiences and knowledge base are different.

Sometimes, this means men and women don't understand each other very well. The best way to solve a mystery is to ask a question, but men sometimes feel nervous about doing so. They don't want to offend women by getting too personal, and they don't know how else to proceed.

That's why it's a good thing Reddit exists. Men have finally asked their questions, and women have answered!

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Couple dating over coffee
Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

Getting to know someone on a first date is fun.

Anything is possible and exciting when the individuals involved are starting off with a clean slate and asking each other fun questions.

The usual suspects often include specifics not listed on a profile, like "what's your favorite movie?", "what's your go-to dish?", and "have you ever been convicted of a federal crime?"

Wait, what?

Yes, there are some inquiries that are better left asking on a second date if there is one.

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Man rubbing his forehead
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As Forrest Gump famously quipped "stupid is as stupid does".

Forrest was right, as far too many people judged him by purely looking at him, which should not have been indicative of his, or anyone's, overall intelligence.

Even so, we've likely all been guilty of judging someone's intelligence based on a first impression.

Likely owing to something outrageous they said or did.

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Men Share The Questions They've Always Wanted To Ask A Woman But Were Too Embarrassed

There's an old saying that describes women as a mystery; however, today we're going to crack the case…well, at least a little bit. This thread allowed men to ask the questions they've always wondered about in a safe, informative zone. This can be difficult in face-to-face conversations where personal or private questioning is not always appropriate.

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