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Our lives have all changed in innumerable ways since the start of the pandemic. Many of us have lost friends, family, and colleagues, and our day to day lives have changed drastically too.

Going out to the club, eating at restaurants, going to the mall, etc... are all vastly different experiences that many of us are avoiding altogether when possible. Religious services, doctor's appointments, classes and many other social experiences have moved online.

There are lots of things to miss about pre-pandemic life.

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I spent quite a while working with exotic animals in my younger years, and one of the things that surprised me was how intelligent and full of personality each individual animal I met was. It totally changed the way I understood nature.

It's also how I ended up with a personal vendetta against a parrot named Xander, but only because he outsmarted and made fun of me. Repeatedly. But only when we were alone; he was a total angel in front of anyone else. Dude was a bully and a jerk and I'm not afraid to say it.

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If you're being forced to stay home for a few weeks, you're going to want to keep busy.

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In pandemic times “stay home” orders from the government have people bored out of their skulls.

Never before has basket weaving felt so appealing.

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