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People Reveal Which Things They Purchased That Vastly Improved Their Happiness

Reddit user Little-Two6210 asked: 'F*ck "Money can't buy happiness" BS, what did you buy that made you so much happier?'

person walking while carrying shopping bags
Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Happiness is relative.

The idea that money can't buy happiness sounds good, but the reality is money can buy many things that contribute to our overall well-being.

And isn't comfort happiness?

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Purchases For Under $100 That Actually Changed People's Lives

Reddit user MapleLeafCollector asked: 'What life changing thing can you buy for less than $100?'

Person holding a $100 bill
Omid Armin/Unsplash

As consumers, we're always on the hunt for the best bargain and look to avoid being ripped off.

But sometimes it's worth forking over an exorbitant amount of money for certain indulgences to spoil ourselves with, like an exotic vacation getaway or fancy new clothes from a high-end department store.

While many of us scoff at throwing away our money on luxury items, did you know you don't have to drain your bank account for items or experiences that are absolutely priceless?

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Every now and then, we fork over a rather large sum of money to buy something which we think will have a positive impact on our lives. This could be anything from a new home or car, an ice cream machine, or a super big flat-screen TV.

At the end of the day, we find ourselves justifying the purchase as money well spent, no matter how much damage the price tag inflicted on our bank account.

However, not all purchases which could have a hugely positive effect on your life require a loan or a second mortgage to buy.

Sometimes, something we find on sale or a discount store might prove to be the very thing we were missing all our lives.

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person holding medication organizer and pill
Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Value is subjective.

Manufacturing costs may be low to mass produce a product or item that is commercially sold anywhere, and depending on demand, prices can skyrocket.

But there are relatively affordable things that aren't the subject of an intense bidding war on the secondary market like eBay.

So what are these useful products that don't cost a fortune?

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woman facing white counter making a purchase from female cashier
Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

When I was seven-years-old, I decided to use my allowance to buy one of those disposable cameras. It was less than $10, and my life was never the same!

Since I was so young, I wasn’t allowed to use my dad’s Nikon, in case I dropped it, so I never understood the joy he got from taking pictures until I got my own camera. Once I took my first photograph, I never stopped.

Now, I’m the one who gets pictorial evidence of special events or documents family trips. I’m the one who makes sure memories are preserved, and I love it.

You never know what purchase is going to be life-changing, but chances are, something was. Usually, these life-changing purchases aren’t even that expensive.

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