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Things That Were Way More Expensive Than People Anticipated

"Reddit user Jarvis_Strife asked: 'What turned out to be A LOT more expensive than you anticipated?'"

An expensive car sits in front of fabulous, expensive house with a statue
Photo by Anastase Maragos

It feels like everything under the sun is expensive these days.

So maybe when we look at price tags, we're just having a little financial PTSD.

Some items and services that were once doable have turned into a years-long savings plan.

Like where do the cable and internet people get these price points?

Especially for their "services."


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People Break Down Which Things Everyone Should Stop Buying Immediately

Fast fashion is terrible for the environment, one of the largest polluters of clean water globally because of its all too common use of cheap, toxic textile dyes.

It also places producers under more and more pressure to manufacture more and more clothes on masse–the people working in the factories that make this stuff are being paid a pittance, contributing to much of the wealth inequality in less developed nations.

Additionally, it's estimated that the textiles industry produces 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 per year and that just two percent of all fast fashion emissions can be reduced through recycling. Ouch. Time to change habits, right?

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You're probably going to be beat over the head with this as you read this charming article but bedbugs are a nightmare and they are always lurking (in the back of my mind) when I think about purchasing some items secondhand.

Some years ago, a relative brought in a stuffed animal and some other items off the street. Within days we had a bedbug issue.

It was thankfully resolved very quickly–good thing it was caught so early–but let's just say I dealt with phantom itch for a while.

Nooo thank you.

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People Share The Thing They'd Never Buy—Even If They Had A Billion Dollars
Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Suppose you had billions of dollars and the ability to purchase or do anything you want. Now imagine what habits of yours might not change one bit even if you did have all that money.

If I had all that money, you still wouldn't catch me frequenting some of the fanciest restaurants in town because I am well aware–having some insider information, as one does–about the way these places treat their workers.

That's just one small example – having all that money doesn't mean I'd suddenly become unethical (and hopefully the same can be said about you).

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor KCIJunkDiver asked the online community,

"If you were handed 10 billion dollars right now, what would you still never buy?"
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People Confess Which Things They've Purchased And Never Actually Used
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Whether it's a fad product from Instagram or something for that hobby you just know you'll start doing one day, it's easy to buy things that seem useful and then just never use them.

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