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Kids pull on a rope in a tug of war
Photo by Anna Samoylova on Unsplash

Adults are meant to be the wise ones.

Adults lead children and show compassion and grace.

Well that is the plan.

So it's always disappointing when many adults show cheap, rude behavior towards the young that Billy Porter would read for trash.

I guess it shows just how flawed we all are and how many of us stay.

The sad thing is that showing that kind of behavior to a child only prolongs the cycle.

You're the adult... act like it.

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People Describe The Most Creative Punishment Their Parents Ever Gave Them
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

In days of yore, parents took what would be considered extreme methods of disciplinary action on misbehaving children.

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People Break Down The Most Ridiculous Thing They Were Ever Punished For In School

School is supposed to be where we go to learn things.

Unfortunately, sometimes the thing we learn is that adults are big fans of ridiculous punishments for ridiculous and seemingly arbitrary things.

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People Describe The Worst Punishment They Ever Received As A Kid
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Children need to be disciplined but not abused.

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People Break Down The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Been Punished For
Image by Dessie_Designs from Pixabay

When I was young, if I spoke out of line my mother would make me eat soap. And not pleasant smelling Dove bars, disgusting, mustard yellow, industrial dish soaps. I always found that excessive. I maybe could've understood if I had the mouth of a trucker but I'm talking about a stray no or you suck here and there. I did learn a lesson, well several lessons. And I never acquired the mouth of a trucker, well... around her. I won't even get into when I briefly was an altar boy who assumed he was allowed to take hazard pay from the collection plate gatherings. Talk about punishment. I do believe the punishment should fit the crime, but so often the punishers seem to get lost in proving a point rather than paying a penance or consequence.

Redditor u/ZetamusMaximus thought we should chat about the times the punishment different fit the crime by asking..... What's the dumbest thing you've ever been punished for?

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