public behavior

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People Break Down The Unwritten Rules They Wish Everyone Followed
Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Our upbringings are different, and as such, our behavior towards others varies wildly.

For example, how we treat our fellow humans is indicative of what rules we follow.

What do we consider to be polite? What do we consider to be an unwritten rule that we must follow?

These questions dicate how we act and what we consider the most important.

So it can seriously dig under our skin when someone doesn't follow those unwritten rules.

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People Explain Which Things People Do In Public That Send Them Into A Rage
Image by gueluem from Pixabay

Humans are annoying. That is just the most truthful, simple fact about life. When people leave the sanctity of their homes it often feels as if all control of morals and behavior are lost into a void of despair. Between all the Karen, Chad and mask aversion videos running on loop, we have irrefutable proof of public bad behavior. And nothing can ruin a person's day (mostly my day) more than having to witness the public petulant nonsense on display.

Redditor u/Impaling-Heads was hoping we could all calmly discuss the actions we witness from humans that test all our nerves by asking.... What is something a lot of people do in public that angers you?
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People Share Their Biggest Movie Related Pet Peeves
Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

The theater is a sacred place. There are behaviors that decent people need to follow.

Be quiet, pay attention to the film and respect others.

But, films can be filled with things that are annoying.

Why can't Hollywood find more originality? Who is writing the characters?

The same old isn't flying any longer.

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