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The Absolute Worst Ways To Propose To Your Partner

Reddit user aloe_veracity asked: 'What is the worst possible way to propose?'

Strange wedding proposal
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

From our friends and families' own cringy stories, to the tales captured on social media, we've all witnessed our fair share of proposals that totally missed the mark or were just plain awkward.

In fact, most of us have come across so many of these stories, we all have an idea of what the worst proposal in the world would be.

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Women Who Proposed To Their Boyfriends Reveal How Their Man Reacted

Traditionally speaking, when we think of proposals when it comes to hetero couples, it's pretty much always the man who proposes to the woman. We see it in movies, TV, internet specials, read it in books - there really aren't a lot of examples that most people can think of (aside from arranged marriages) where there is any deviation from that. He proposes to her. That's it.

But what if that wasn't it?

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This Lieutenant Who Proposed To His Fellow Firefighter Girlfriend During A Drill Is the Sweetest Thing We've Seen All Day
Barneveld Fire Department/Facebook, @wareaglegurl17/Twitter

It may have been April Fools' Day but a New York fire lieutenant wasn't joking around when he proposed to his firefighter girlfriend during a drill.

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Married People Share The Red Flags They Missed Before Tying The Knot

Relationships can be difficult, and a good relationship will always require some compromises.

Sometimes people change over time. If it gets to the point that all you're doing is compromising or excusing the other party's behavior, you've no longer got a relationship.

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