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If there's one term people might remember most from the tenure of the 45th President of The United States, it's the term "fake news." However, a legion of his followers nonetheless believed what he said, with the President inadvertently, or intentionally, creating his own propaganda.

Sadly, people will too easily believe almost anything they hear in this day and age, even after something has been unequivocally proven false.

Often resulting in dangerous consequences.

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People Explain Which Pieces Of Media Are Straight Up Propaganda

Audiences can get so engrossed in certain films or TV programs, they fail to notice the potentially subtle ulterior motives disguised as entertainment.

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Nearly 30 years ago, Rwanda's Hutu population initiated perhaps the most successful genocide campaign in recent history, systematically murdering more than 800,000 members of the Tutsi population over a three-month period.

The period before the genocide began was marked by heightened political tensions. Hutus and their supporters would take to radio broadcasts to brand Tutsis "cockroaches," which normalized animosity toward them. It was successful propaganda that altered the lives of millions.

This isn't the first time that people have used propaganda for nefarious reasons – far from it. People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor fitboy15 asked the online community,

"What piece of propaganda did the most damage?"
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People Break Down The Movies That Are Straight Up Propaganda
Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

One of the more fascinating films I've seen is Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will. Riefenstahl played a seminal role in producing Nazi propaganda and Triumph of the Will is her magnum opus, chronichling the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg and featuring speeches from such figures as Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess.

The film makes for disconcerting viewing these days given the... you know... Nazis, but there is no doubt that it is technically innovative, having a profound impact on film and documentary production thereafer. Riefenstahl, who was detained after World War II and lived to be 101, claimed to have been politically naive and later said her biggest regret in life was meeting Hitler.

Her life–and Triumph of the Will's production–have been the subject of numerous documentaries over the years though efforts to make a biographical film about her life, including one that would have starred Jodie Foster, have stalled due to concerns about the potential project's commercial appeal.

Of course, Triumph of the Will is not the only film out there that was made for purely propagandic purposes or that hosts specific underlying messages.

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People Explain How Corporate Propaganda Has Been Completely Normalized By Society
Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash

Few topics get me as riled up as unpaid internships. They can take up the time of a full time job, making it difficult for some students who may need additional sources of income.

At the end of the day an intern is doing work for a company and they deserve to be paid for their labor.

But it's crazy to think about how much companies have normalized this practice. How many students do you know who are or were burned out by the stress of their internship, their actual job, and the need to keep up with their assignments?

Companies have normalized a lot, by the way, thanks to having the resources to produce enough propaganda.

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