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People Divulge Which Things They Swear To Be True Even Without Tangible Proof
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Whenever someone requests you to back up whatever wisdom or knowledge you just imparted, you somehow doubt if whatever you verbalized is actually true.

Without explanation, sometimes you just know things to be absolutely true. Call it your gut or strong spidey sense, but many of us have these moments where we are at a loss for words but innately know something to be undeniably accurate.

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People Share Times They Knew Something Was Off About Someone But Couldn't Prove It
Photo by Poseidon X on Unsplash

There are just some people who always trigger the spidey senses.

The problem is that we don't trust our instincts enough.

How many people have just left you feeling... ill at ease?

Probably more than we care to admit.

We don't want to be wrong about someone.

That is the main problem. Then we'd be embarrassed.

That feeling changes to relief when we see them on the news or a Dateline NBC episode.

Redditor Lucky_Solution7999 wanted to hear about the people who inexplicably rubbed us the wrong way. They asked:

"Hey reddit, what is one time you knew something was off about someone but couldn't prove it?"
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People Break Down What They Strongly Believe In Despite Having No Evidence Or Proof
Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

Gut feelings exist for a reason.

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People Share The Sure Signs That You've Lost The Argument

Arguing and fighting are basic parts of life. Sad isn't it?

We're humans, we are destined to disagree from time to time.

Or if you look at the state of Congress... it's just the natural order to be in constant battle.

The biggest problem about a fight is no one wants to admit they're wrong.

But inevitably, someone has to cave. And 8 times out of 10, there is a "right" party.

And when you're truly wrong, you know it.

But can you say it? Even for peace?

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People Falsely Accused Of Cheating Divulge What Made Their Partner Suspicious

Trust and open communication are the key to many successful relationships. But that doesn't mean people are good at those.

Certain behavior patterns and inherent insecurities can lead to suspicion, and if resentment festers without openly addressing these concerns can spell doom for a relationship.
Some people, however, can be reckless when confronting their significant other based on an assumption about infidelity.
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