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Young people jumping
Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

When talking to a friend who brings up one of our favorite books, celebrities, or tv shows, we often find ourselves saying we're "obsessed".

Our excitement is often met with a sneer from our friend, but we don't give it much thought.

Owing to the fact that even if they're better at containing their excitement than we are, deep down everyone has an obsession of some sort.

Naturally, it's not particularly healthy to be "obsessed" with anything, as nothing should take up the majority of our time.

Even so, if one were to take a very close look at society as a whole, we might find that just about everyone has an unhealthy obsession they just can't break.

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People Debate Which Issue Concerns Them The Most In Today's Society
Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The past year has dealt all of humanity a crushing blow, and we are still dealing with the aftermath.

There are over 270 million cases of people infected with COVID-19 and five million people have succumbed to COVID-related illnesses, globally.
Many of us are trying to leave the pandemic behind us while new variants of the viral pathogen continue to emerge.
Simultaneously, our nation has become politically divided more than ever as we try to navigate through a global event from which we are not yet in the clear.
It is a tumultuous era, and there seem to be more issues many of us remain in denial of as other concerns have taken front and center in our lives.
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People Break Down Mens' Issues That Are Often Overlooked

Despite the toxic stereotype of an unfeeling, “tough guy" persona, men face feelings of loneliness, depression, and other serious issues as well. Unfortunately, not enough people are willing to discuss these sensitive topics as society has put so much pressure on men to hold these things in.

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Having the gift of sight is something so many of us take for granted. There are so many people who would kill to have unobstructed vision. To have any vision at all instead is of course a blessing, but one vision issue in particular can be at the very least, distracting. Colorblind people can see, so that 's a huge plus but that plus comes with baggage. I've actually never met a colorblind but I've heard about the day to day trials. It must be maddening not being able to see what others are seeing when they're standing right next to you.

Redditor u/GasparThePrince was hoping those with afflicted vision would be willing to share some of their daily tribulations by asking... Colorblind people of Reddit, what is one of the most unexpected problems related to colour you face often?
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People Who Left Their Significant Other Because Of Their Sex Life Explain What Happened
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Relationships are never easy. That is a fact we all tend to forget when we have some alone time between love interests. Admit it, how many of you have always been blue in between serious partners? Only to realize, once in you're in love again, you think, this is work. And a lot of that work comes in the boudoir. Why do so many people neglect the sex factor? If it's broke, you better fix it.

Redditor u/VILE_0RGANIZM wanted everyone to start discussing some uncomfortable facts about relationships by asking... [serious] [NSFW] People who left their SO because of the sex, what happened?

BTW.... ***THIS IS AN NC-17 PIECE***

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