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Person holding lots of money
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

It's the little things we take for granted.

Buying a cup of coffee from our corner bodega, going to a movie every now and again, and choosing to take a taxi instead of the subway.

Things that seem trivial to us, but are a luxury to others.

Who worries if they spend that $3.50 on a cup of coffee that they won't have enough to pay this month's rent or electricity bill?

A lot of folks.

Even people who don't live in the height of luxury tend to overlook that they live a privileged life in the grand scheme of things.

A life many others deeply envy.

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When you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians or Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous you're mesmerized.

Must be all the grandiose opulence.

At least I am.

Wondering how does one become a part of all that grandeur and how much does everything cost?

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People Who Grew Up Poor Explain Which Things Scream 'Rich' To Them
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Not everybody who lives in this nation has the good fortune to be able to survive on a high income.

In fact, some households are maintained with a very small or modest budget every month. Some houses with multiple children often worry about putting food on their kids' tables. Some people don't have basic amenities that we took for granted, such as TV.

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Twitter user @DanielleMuscato started a viral thread this past Tuesday, September 25, that's become essential reading for every male in the world who doesn't understand the privilege that comes with their gender. In her original post, she asked the women the women of the world a simple question: "What would you do if all men had a 9pm curfew?"

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