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Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

"What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours."

A common ideology when people enter committed romantic relationships.

This doesn't mean, however, that people don't still appreciate a moment or two of privacy, even from the person to whom they are otherwise committed, body and soul.

Particularly when it comes to their phones.

While some people have no concern about their partners seeing anything they have stored on their phones, others might prefer that everything found on their phones stays away from their partner's eyes.

Be it for a text chain they'd rather remain private, or to avoid judgment for their choice of apps, knowing their partner would disapprove, or would at the very least mock them endlessly.

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Newly Married Couple Has Honeymoon Ruined After Groom's Overbearing Parents Decide To Crash It
Denkou Images/Getty Images

Honeymoons are supposed to be a relaxing time alone with your new spouse to get to know each other and get used to married life.

Not everyone's family believes that that pesky little "alone" part is all that important, apparently.

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Everybody has secrets, including from those closest to us. Based on this thread, most people want to spare their loved one's feelings, even if it means living with pain or guilt, forever.

tmurg375 asked: What's a secret your SO still doesn't know about you, and why have you kept it secret?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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We have all been there. Had that thought in the back of our mind. You know the passcode, so it'd be easy right? Just to confirm your suspicions or set your mind at ease. But you resist because it would violate your loved one's trust and not to mention the terms of service agreement. But that's exactly what happened to Redditor u/bruisedidmein1234.

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