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The One Secret People Will Never Tell Their Significant Other

Reddit user spinx248 asked: 'What’s a secret you’ll never tell your spouse or SO?'

Couple overlooking a breathtaking nature view
Cody Black/Unsplash

Communication and trust are keys to a long-lasting relationship.

But even the best relationships are not without their secrets. Depending on the situation, some information is better left unrevealed so as to protect the relationship.

But is that a violation of trust–even if ignorance is bliss?

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person holding smart phone
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

"What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours."

A common ideology when people enter committed romantic relationships.

This doesn't mean, however, that people don't still appreciate a moment or two of privacy, even from the person to whom they are otherwise committed, body and soul.

Particularly when it comes to their phones.

While some people have no concern about their partners seeing anything they have stored on their phones, others might prefer that everything found on their phones stays away from their partner's eyes.

Be it for a text chain they'd rather remain private, or to avoid judgment for their choice of apps, knowing their partner would disapprove, or would at the very least mock them endlessly.

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People Who Work In Someone's Home Describe The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Seen
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Working in someone's home must feel like your walking on eggshells, but instead of organic, free-range eggs its the Fabergé kind. You're in someone else's personal space, their sanctum, where a litany of secrets and revelations could be revealed to you if you open the wrong cabinet or peak under their bed by accident.

You never know what's going to happen when you open their door, and that's what these people found out one day.

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You've probably been hearing a lot about inflation. Everything from milk to gas to used cars is more expensive and Americans are feeling the crunch.

Earlier this week, as The Associated Press points out, "the government said its consumer price index soared 6.2% from a year ago — the biggest 12-month jump since 1990."

Businesses have struggled to meet demand as the economy rebounds despite global supply chain disruptions that continue to be exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But even before all this, many people were struggling to afford the basic necessities.

But you can dream, can't you? Whether it's the basics or luxuries, people were all too keen to share their thoughts after Redditor Benjamin-Dover- asked the online community,

"What's something you really want but can't afford?"
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People Break Down The Most Shocking Things They've Found In The Information Google Stored About Them
Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Google is a dangerous tool. It leads to the world of the internet that can be worrisome and vicious just as much as it is plentiful and full of knowledge. Our lives are an open book and our secrets just a key stroke and google search away. Go ahead and get it over with now... type in your name and pray.

Redditor u/MBMV wanted to know who has discovered a few tidbits about themselves by doing an "innocent" internet search by asking.....

People who downloaded their Google data and went through it, what were the most unsettling things you found out they had stored about you?

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