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This Dad Used His Daughter's Princess Phase To Teach Her Leadership Skills
Disney UK/YouTube, @MyDaughtersArmy/Twitter

The "princess phase" is something most parents are familiar with.

It's when their daughters become obsessed with lovable heroines from some of our favorite Disney films, whether they're from the classics like Cinderella and Snow White, or the contemporary films that featured more multi-layered personalities like Pocahontas, Mulan, and even the aloof but headstrong Rapunzel from Tangled.

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Being cheated on sucks. What a lot of people don't realize, though, is that it can suck for longer than just that moment, that incident, or even that relationship. Cheating can leave a lasting wound and sow the kinds of trust issues that follow us around for ages. One Reddit user was battling that insecurity from a past relationship when her current fiance started acting more distant. She said she was feeling "really insecure with his change in behavior" even though he gave a valid reason for it. She couldn't let the nagging feeling go, so she created fake profiles on popular dating sites to see if she could find him.

She did. So she turned to Reddit for help.

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