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People Explain Which Things Are Normal Today That Weren't 50 Years Ago
Photo by Burst on Unsplash

The world is an ever changing place.

In addition to continuing advancements in technology, human behavior also continues to evolve.

As a result, what might have seemed "normal" 50 years ago might seem far-fetched today, while things which we today consider "normal" might never have even crossed the mind of anyone back then.

Making everything we consider "normal" among the many things in this world that continues to evolve at a rapid pace.

Redditor Primary_Berry_3560 was curious to hear what "normal" everyday things were anything but normal fifty years ago, leading them to ask:

"What is normal now but wasn’t normal 50 years ago (1972)?"
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They say a diamond is forever. But is it just a saying or is there a modicum of truth to that?

Gifts are meant to aid or to lift the morale of the receiver, if they're done well. A good gift will completely re-tool the life of the person it's given to and it will stay that way.

But which gifts are the ones that truly last?

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People Share The Weirdest Present They've Ever Received
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Gift giving can be rough. That's why so many people just opt for gift cards - it's easier than wracking your brain trying to come up with that perfect thing that the giftee might have anyway. Some people opt for "creative" gifts instead ... and those people are awesome.

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Buying gifts for others can be hard.

So we can be forgiving when others' presents aren't quite what we wanted.

Sometimes, though, they get it exactly right and you get a present that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

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