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People Break Down Which Topics They Could Talk About For 30 Minutes With No Preparation

Everyone has their own areas of expertise.

Not necessarily something related to their professional field, but more one of their great interests or passions, which they almost unknowingly learned about over time.

And as a result, should said topic arise during a group gathering or dinner party, they'll be able to talk about it for hours.

Much to the delight, or dismay, of their friends and family.

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People Share The Best Tips And Tricks For Young Adults Living On Their Own For The First Time
Photo by Karl Solano on Unsplash

Living on your own for the first time can seem like a walk in the park—you're finally free to do what you want, when you want. But it's not all sunshine and roses, since living by yourself means you have to handle any unforseen crises that come up, and you have to do your own laundry.

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Some things are fine to buy when you need them, but a lot of things are a lot handier to already have on hand—and some are practically essential.

Anyone who has had to trudge to the pharmacy for cold medicine when they have the flu will tell you they wished they'd had some at home already.

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People Share Which Foods They Can't Believe Their Ancestors Discovered Were Edible

People eat a lot of different foods, and some are a bit stranger than others. There are some that really make you question the wisdom of the first person to have tried eating them, though.

Most fermented foods, for example. They often have quite a pungent odor and seem like they are spoiled, but fermentation is actually an excellent way to preserve foods so they last longer.

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