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Fathers love their kids. There's no question about that. But fathers have one major advantage when it comes to babies--they don't have to do the physical labor.

Giving birth itself,'s painful. We all know that. But men have the luxury of not totally knowing.

But what if they had to?

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Selfless Woman Who Is Acting As Her Twin Sister's Surrogate Is Pregnant With Twins
Katrina Wittkamp/Getty Images

34-year-old twins Jill Noe and Whitney Bliesner have been best friends their whole lives.

The pair are inseparable.

When Noe heard her sister was in need, it was second nature to offer help.

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Selfless 61-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Her Own Granddaughter To Help Out Her Gay Son And His Husband
Getty Images // Elliot Dougherty/Facebook

Now here's something you don't read everyday.

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The FDA Has Approved The First Drug To Treat Postpartum Depression—But It'll Cost You
SolStock/Getty Images

Most medications in the US are staggeringly expensive, but new ones are often the worst.

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Fans Are Loving Amy Schumer's New Maternity Photos

Whether she's on stage or on screen Amy Schumer is known for her brazen,no-limits comedy, but her Instagram followers known that behind the scenes the comedian is even more irreverent. So it's no surprise that Schumer is taking the same unabashed approach to being pregnant.

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