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The Most Evil Pranks People Have Ever Pulled Off
Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash

They say laughter is the best medicine, and it's true.

Sometimes, the laughter comes from a good joke or well-timed pun. Other times, a comedy show or accidental fall may elicit laughter.

And sometimes, pranks are used to elicit laughter.

The thing about pranks is, sometimes they're funny, but other times they're mean. The best pranks are the ones that do seem mean but induce enjoyment from all parties.

Redditors have seen it all and are excited to share their experiences of the evilest pranks they've pulled off or seen pulled off.

As I said, some are funny, some are mean, and some are both. All are great to read about, though!

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People Break Down 'The Incident' That Happened In High School

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Every high school has it-- The incident.

The one that is the reason for the strictest rule in the school. The ones the students talk about and the teachers fear.

It can be a senior prank, it can be pretty much anything that went down that completely changed the culture of the school.

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Redditor u/TEDOG1232 wanted to hear from everyone about what the best tomfoolery they've ever seen by asking.... What's the best prank you've ever heard of/seen/experienced?

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