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People Divulge The Weirdest Cultural Thing They've Done In Someone's Home
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

When you visit a home that is not your own, you adhere to the rules.

That is just common decency.

Even though it may seem awkward and uncomfortable, you deal.

Redditor sebastian25525 wanted to hear about the times we've had to participate in certain events, in certain ways, when in the home of others. They asked:

"What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else’s house because of their culture/religion?"
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People Share The Most Polite Ways To Let Someone Know They've Overstayed Their Welcome
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

When you open up your home for a dinner party, game night, or a low-key catching up with friends over a couple glasses of wine, inviting them over is the easy part.

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People Share The Best Ways To Politely Say 'F*** You'
Moose Photos / Pexels

Now that so many of us are working from home, stressed, and scared - the need to tell someone to f*ck off but in a nice way is greater than ever.

The person you're in isolation with who is a 6AM noise-machine? Yup. Co-worker who has a bad habit of asking "one last question" 13 times in every meeting? Yup. Neighbor running a pressure washer hooked to an insanely loud generator for 8 days straight, 14 hours a day? Oh good lord yup.

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People Describe The Worst Thing They Have Ever Eaten To Be Polite
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Some of us are fortunate to be families of good cooks. Some of us are not so lucky, and that's a shame.

But whether you are or aren't, we've all sat down to a disappointing––if not downright awful––meal. And whether you've liked it or not, we've all been in a position where we had to eat something for fear of offending our host.

Nasty appetizers and unsettlingly terrible main courses took center stage after Redditor bogwhoppers asked:

"Redditors, what's the worst thing you've eaten out of politeness?"
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Consuming cuisine is an essential part of life. We all must eat to live! But there are times when we consume some things we really probably shouldn't. Just because they aren't any good, and that is ok. But there are a few incidents and people we make personal sacrifices for, like woofing down food that sounds, looks and tastes like feces just to keep others smiling. There is always a time for truth, like whatever moment keeps us from being slain over the porcelain bowl.

Redditor u/Sunnybunny1234 wanted to know what foods we've all consumed only because we're too kind, asking... What's the worst thing you've eaten out of politeness?

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