plot twists

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The first time I watched Saw, I was a pretty impressionable teenager.

I had seen a bunch of horror films but I was of course nowhere near as seasoned a film-watcher as I am now, and that ending really blew my mind.

It was pretty awesome and was a pleasure to see at the right age, opening my eyes further to how successful cinematic storytelling can be.

It helps that the film has some excellent twists and turns before the ride finishes, too.

Oh, and let's not talk about the sequels. They all seem to think they can top the first (or rival something like the twist in Hitchcock's Psycho, and it's a bore).

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor MrPhraust asked the online community,

"What movie has the greatest plot twist of all time?"
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One of the most famous plot twists of all time has to be the one in The Sixth Sense, which captivated audiences when the film came out in 1999. In fact, it was probably on the strength of that plot twist alone that the film became such a smash hit, even receiving multiple Academy Award nominations.

That twist has been parodied multiple times, including in the Scary Movie series and become a pop culture phenomenon. And despite that, the film is still very much worth a watch. Too bad M. Night Shyamalan has struggled to top it since.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor glock_baby asked the online community,

"What movie do you think has the best plot twist?"
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