plot twist

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Black and white film production clapperboard with movie theater popcorn
Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

Due to the nature of the discussion, this article contains movie spoilers.

There's nothing quite like sitting down to watch an incredibly good movie with equally great company and food.

But the movie can become a particularly special experience if it's surprising in some way, like having a unique plot twist.

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People don't usually live their lives considering the future generations too heavily.

Sure, one's children and grandchildren are in the plans. But rarely do the children 200 years from now factor into the plans.

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Warning: There are a metric crapton of spoilers ahead. Obviously. This is an article about movie endings. We're kinda gonna have to talk about endings, ya know?

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History isn't a story you can write, it is a story that completely wrote itself.

And just like the Real Housewives, history is wild. There is no predictability. It just... is.

And just like the Real Housewives, the plot twists come when you least expect it.

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Lawyers Reveal The Biggest Plot Twists They've Ever Seen Go Down In A Courtroom
Chris Ryan/GettyImages

Courtrooms are extremely serious environments where one of the fundamentals of our nation gets played out. Trial by jury, proving without a shadow of a doubt, and dropping last minute bombshells to the shocked faces of those jury members. Things get crazy when a verdict is on the line, and you never know where a case can go.

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