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When perusing the produce section of the grocery store, have you ever wondered how our brave ancestors were able to determine what plants were edible or deadly?

Take Elderberries, for instance. They are packed with nutrients like vitamin C and also rich in vitamin B6. But not all berries are created equal.

Pokeweed berries, Yew berries, and Holly berries are just some examples of the kinds of berries that are not our friends.

Many of these have toxic compounds that can lead to nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps when ingested. At their worst, eating berries can kill you.

Beware of beautiful plants the next time you're out in the wild. Even touching them could be a brush with death.

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Former Vegans Explain Why They Went Back To Eating Meat

There is only so much grass one can gobble from the dirt!

Living on a smart, comprehensive and healthy diet is an essential part of living long and with energy. We all try so many different ways to nourish our bodies and most of the time... we're doing it wrong. It is an arduous task to stay with some of these ways of life. Not eating meat or cheese or eggs? I don't know how people do it. Yes we want to save animals and it's not ideal that we harvest their bodies for our own fulfillment but when your starving... the guilt fades.

Redditor u/eitakvo wanted to hear from all the people who gave in and went back to gobbling meat by asking...

ex vegans, why did you start eating meat again?

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