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hamburger with vegetables and meat beside French fries
Photo by Haseeb Jamil on Unsplash

While it's important to eat healthy, it's not uncommon to sometimes crave something greasy and fattening.

Since everything is good in moderation, it's not a bad thing to want a meal of burgers, fries, and a milkshake. However, it is important to find out where to get the best.

There are countless fast food restaurants in the world. There are about seven located two minutes from my house! That's why it's no surprise that everyone has a different opinion on which place is the best.

Redditors have differing opinions on what the "right answer" is, and they're ready to share.

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Pizza Delivery Guy Keeps Delivering To The Same Address, And Things Get Awkwardly Worse Every Time He Goes Back
stevecoleimages/Getty Images

Every job has its foibles, but customer service work has arguably the most pitfalls of them all.

Dealing directly with other human beings—all their emotions and hang-ups and expectations and entitlements—is pretty much a one-way ticket to misunderstandings.

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People Debate The Most Underrated Pizza Toppings
Image by zuzana gazdikova from Pixabay

Let's get something clear. Pizza is important.

The only thing second to importance in pizza is the toppings that go on said pizza. And this is where most people tend to fundamentally disagree.

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Young Patient Paints 'Send Pizza' On His Hospital Window—And Boy Did The Universe Deliver

Wouldn't you want the same for yourself, if you were spending multiple days in the hospital?

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Sometimes you pull up to someplace in a car and just know you need to stay in your car and drive away immediately. can't do that. Because it's your job to deliver a pizza there.

Isn't capitalism fun?

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