pissed off

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Audiences today are too savvy and unforgiving.

There are so many cinematic aspects that leave so many of us irritated.

And one of the big reasons is that they know they can make them better.

Give me a quick million, you won't be disappointed.

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The list of what irritates me is endless.

I mean... breathing too loud or dust can set me off.

I'm a bit unstable, yes.

But I'm not alone.

So let's discuss.

RedditorAburntbagel6wanted to hear about all the times many of us just couldn't control our disdain. They asked:

"What never fails to piss you off?"
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People Divulge Which Things Instantly Piss Them Off
Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Ask me what little thing pisses me off and... I wouldn't know where to begin.

Oh, Lord. What does that say about me? Yikes.

You see, there's no shortage of things out there that annoy the hell out of us.

There's a recent viral meme that I love because it proudly declares, "I hate going out in public because the people be there." It speaks to me.

But there's more out there to get on our nerves than just people.

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People Break Down The Everyday Things That Piss Them Off
Christian Erfurt/Unsplash

As many of us tout being easygoing and never sweating the small stuff in life, that may not be entirely true.

We all have that one thing that irks us to the core, and no matter how hard we try and keep a laid-back facade, our patience eventually runs thin to reveal we are not perfect.
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Actions speak louder than words, though words can set my temper ablaze just as prudently as an action. Do you all notice that we are all pretty good at keeping our emotions in check with the big issues? Like when someone does us wrong we take a step back (to evaluate and plot revenge) and process our emotional state as to not jump straight to fury. Fury can be counter productive. So why is it the little things that push us to insanity; like killing one another over a meal or a parking spot... makes no sense. Perhaps we're all trapped in a "this is the last straw syndrome?"

Redditor wanted to hear from everyone about the little things in life that can turn us front Jekyll to Hyde in seconds by asking.... What is the smallest thing that makes you lose your temper immediately?

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