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Flight Crews And Frequent Flyers Describe The Creepiest Experiences They've Ever Had On A Flight
Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

There are many unpleasant things flight attendants, or any airline employees, have to put up with during a flight.

Turbulence, unpleasant or unruly passengers, rambunctious children, and other annoyances are sadly just part of the job.

However, every now and then, flight crew and passengers might witness and experience something in the air that no amount of training or experience can prepare them for.

Experiences left these pilots and passengers scared and confused, possibly permanently impairing their ability to sleep soundly at night.

From the unimaginable to the genuinely inexplicable.

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Airplane Pilots Share The Scariest Moments They Experienced That Passengers Never Found Out About
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Flying can be a scary event for many people, but it's actually quite safe to fly, statistically speaking. But then there are the incidents we don't hear about... Those were the basis for today's burning question from Redditor Splitdesiresagain, who asked the online community: "Airplane pilots of Reddit, what was your biggest "We're all fucked up" moment that you survived and your passengers didn't notice?"

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Think you know what's happening on your flight? Ya don't. Flight attendants dressing up dead people, hauling vital organs, and pilots goofing off on the emergency channel are just a few of the things passengers usually don't notice. But they happen, and now I want to be a pilot.

Yamesfrank0 asked flight attendants and pilots of Reddit: What are some things that happen mid flight that only the crew are aware of?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Flying is not for everybody. There is no such thing as a perfect flight. As a passenger we're not privy to the truth of the journey every plane takes. But our Captains are aware. And they know some things and have some stories we probably don't want to know but can't help but need to hear.

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