physical sensations

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It's true that sometimes we just can't understand what someone's going through until we walk in their shoes.

This can be especially true of physical ailments, particularly the less visible conditions that many would rather assume are figments of the sufferer's imagination.

On the flip side, we can try to be empathetic, but truly, sometimes until you've experienced it yourself, you just can't imagine how bad it is.

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Couple kissing
Photo by Cassie Lopez on Unsplash

Whether we intend for it to be the focus of the relationship or not, one of the defining features of a romantic relationship is its physical interactions.

Anyone who deeply values physical touch might not be able to understand how a relationship could continue if the couple was no longer intimate.

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People Confess The Best Non-Sexual Pleasure
Lux Graves on Unsplash

This is going to be difficult to talk about without getting graphic, so let's be up front.

Yes, obviously consensual sex with someone you trust is unmatched in sensation and feeling in the physical world.

So what comes second to that?

A lot, actually, if the internet it to be believed.

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People Share What They Think Are The Best Non-Sexual Physical Sensations

Physical sensations are part of our everyday lives, but not all of them are created equal. Hugging a friend, for example, feels way better than a papercut.

There are a lot of great sensations, though. One of my favorites is the feeling of the short fur just under my cat's chin, which she loves to have scratched. Her fur is super soft, and it brings me joy to scratch her chin because she so obviously loves the interaction too.

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