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Oh, the things people say.

Sometimes you wonder if people have the capability to think before they speak.

It's an especially thorny issue in relationships.

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Parents Share The Best Phrases Their Kids 'Invented' When They Were Young
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Fun Fact: My moms "grandma name" is Nani.

She is called Nani because when Lilo and Stitch first came out, a very young nephew was obsessed with the film. Little man didn't do a lot of talking, but he took one look at my mother (who is pear-shaped and bottom heavy in the best way) and shouted "Nani!"

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People Explain Which Phrases They Wish Everyone Would Stop Using
Kate Kalvach on Unsplash

A lot of people like to talk.

Being outgoing or an extrovert is encouraged in popular culture as an ideal, so prattling on is seen as better than remaining silent.

But is it?

Especially when all that's said are the same tired clichés that stopped being clever a long time ago.

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People Share Phrases That Prove The Person Speaking Is Full Of Sh*t

Irresponsible people will never do the right thing and they will find a way to make excuses. But that usually never works out well.

A person trying to avoid accountability for poor behavior will utter a phrase that they seem to think will exonerate them.

But most of us are keen enough to recognize what's happening here.

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There are few things more annoying in conversation than people who say the words, "That's just my opinion!"

Let me be perfectly clear: opinions need to be based on fact and actual experience. Reading conspiracy theories online and spending time on a dark corner of YouTube doesn't make you an "expert." Not now... not ever.

When I hear someone say the words, "That's just my opinion!" I mentally brace myself because I just know what I'm about to hear is going to be ridiculous.

People told us all about the phrases that bother the hell out of them after Redditor SpankBankManager asked the online community,

"What phrases do you wish people would stop using?"
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