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People Break Down Which Words Or Phrases Are Red Flags When Meeting Someone

Reddit user theevilempire asked: 'What words/phrases do you hear someone say and immediately know you’re probably not going to like the person?'

First impressions can be misleading, to the point of being dangerous.

After all, as Jane Austen taught us in Pride and Prejudice (whose original title was, in fact, First Impressions) the person who ends up being the love of your life might seem utterly loathsome upon a first meeting.

Even so, it's hard not to snap to judgment when meeting someone for the first time, particularly based on what they say.

Be it a difference in political or religious beliefs, or simply something shockingly rude or ignorant, all it can take is a few words or idioms to make us never want to see or hear from someone ever again.

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Oh, the things people say.

Sometimes you wonder if people have the capability to think before they speak.

It's an especially thorny issue in relationships.

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Scrabble tiles that read "Live Life"
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Sometimes adulting is incredibly hard, especially when we're going through a trying time or are struggling with our health or mental health.

These pieces of advice may seem simple on the surface, but especially during the hard times, they could create a meaningful change for someone.

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People Break Down Their Favorite Ways To Say 'WTF'
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Don't you love using naughty words and phrases?

It's like an addiction sometimes.

Especially when you're learning new and inventive ways to utilize them.

So many options...

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People Share The One Word People Need To Stop Overusing
Mimi Thian/Unsplash

I use the word 'literally' like, literally, all the time.

Am I a professional writer who understands that the repetition can lose some readers? Yes.

Am I educated and fully aware of the definition of the word "literally" and the fact that I almost never actually mean "literally" when I say literally? Also, yes.

Do I know it annoys some people? Also, also yes.

Am I going to stop doing it any time soon? ... ... ... I'll take that into careful consideration.

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