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Guy pointing to his phone screen
Oyemike Princewill/Unsplash

Smartphones are pretty much another appendage to every individual who uses them.

The device acts as our primary communications device, banking assistant, research and gaming tool, and camera.

It's no wonder why privacy settings are essential. If our phones get into the wrong hands, we are completely vulnerable and our identity is susceptible to stealing.

But besides security concerns, our phones contain other types of "revealing" information that is better left unseen...until it isn't.

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People Break Down The Most Underutilized Features On Their Phone

For most people, a cellphone has become almost like an extra appendage.

It goes with us everywhere and is rarely out of reach.

And most people are also now sporting so-called smartphones.

But how many of the features on these handheld computers are we using?

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People Who Suffer From Phone Anxiety Share Their Tips To Handling It
Courtney Clayton/Unsplash

Anxiety often stems from lack of experience in something, and in a world where I can text, use a messenger app, send a chat, etc. there just isn't as much need to make phone calls as there once was.

Which means a whole lot of us turn into flaming dumpster fires when we can't avoid it.

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People Break Down The Unwritten Rules They Wish Everyone Followed
Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Our upbringings are different, and as such, our behavior towards others varies wildly.

For example, how we treat our fellow humans is indicative of what rules we follow.

What do we consider to be polite? What do we consider to be an unwritten rule that we must follow?

These questions dicate how we act and what we consider the most important.

So it can seriously dig under our skin when someone doesn't follow those unwritten rules.

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There are just somethings that really should be said in person or over the phone. I love to text as much as the next guy, but not about important life matters. Don't be that lazy y'all. I realize that we've lost the patience and aptitude for human connection but we can get it back, just by the sound of a comforting voice. Or let's just use our brains when we are communicating. Think about how would you like to receive certain types of news? Then act accordingly.

Redditor u/jdparmenter wanted everyone to come together and spill some tea about those morning messages we've had to deal with once we look at our devices by asking.... What is the worst text message you could wake up to?
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