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person holding white Samsung Galaxy 4 cellphone
Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

Just after tax season, countless Americans might find themselves startled by an automated message from the IRS, saying they have a warrant issued for their arrest owing to money owed and they must call this number immediately.

Of course, the IRS would never call someone to warn them in this manner, and these automated calls are part of an elaborate scam.

But sadly, scams are becoming more and more convincing with each passing day, often taking direct aim at people where they're at their most notable.

Making it hard to detect what is, in fact, a legitimate message, and what is simply an attempt to steal your personal information or hack your bank account.

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Being a 911 operator means you are the first line of defense for people in need. You have a hard job already.

But with every hard job comes those things that just really stick with you. They haunt you in the middle of the night. They permeate your dreams.

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In this day and age we should all know that there is no reason keep any racy or secret pics on our phones, computers, tablets or in our clouds. Everything is hackable and nothing is sacred. The secrets we keep on our instruments will always find a way out and usually it's at the most inappropriate moments. How important is that random shot of God knows what?

Redditor u/TylerDuuurden wanted everyone to fess up about what's been "exposed" on their phones and computers by asking...

What's the most embarrassing/cringy thing you've accidentally shown someone, or something they accidentally saw while using your phone or computer?

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People Confess Their 'Sorry, Wrong Person' Text Stories

We've all done it and we must be more careful. Pay attention to who you are texting. Sending the wrong text can end marriages, heck it can shatter lives on the daily, start world wars. Don't be so confident when you start to finger play. Look at the name first and always.

Redditor u/producermaddy wanted to hear about all the texts gone wrong by fingers that are way too nimble by asking.... What's your worst "I sent this text to the wrong person" story?

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They work for the Devil himself. We know that now. They call at all hours of the day and night, muptiple times a day. They are basically Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" but in rotary form. I am speaking of sam callers and telestalkers. They must be dealt with.

Redditor u/Account__Compromised1 wanted hear some of the most creative ways be eradicate a phone pest by asking.... What's the best way to mess with a scam caller?

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