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person holding smart phone
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

"What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours."

A common ideology when people enter committed romantic relationships.

This doesn't mean, however, that people don't still appreciate a moment or two of privacy, even from the person to whom they are otherwise committed, body and soul.

Particularly when it comes to their phones.

While some people have no concern about their partners seeing anything they have stored on their phones, others might prefer that everything found on their phones stays away from their partner's eyes.

Be it for a text chain they'd rather remain private, or to avoid judgment for their choice of apps, knowing their partner would disapprove, or would at the very least mock them endlessly.

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Guy pointing to his phone screen
Oyemike Princewill/Unsplash

Smartphones are pretty much another appendage to every individual who uses them.

The device acts as our primary communications device, banking assistant, research and gaming tool, and camera.

It's no wonder why privacy settings are essential. If our phones get into the wrong hands, we are completely vulnerable and our identity is susceptible to stealing.

But besides security concerns, our phones contain other types of "revealing" information that is better left unseen...until it isn't.

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person holding white Samsung Galaxy 4 cellphone
Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

Just after tax season, countless Americans might find themselves startled by an automated message from the IRS, saying they have a warrant issued for their arrest owing to money owed and they must call this number immediately.

Of course, the IRS would never call someone to warn them in this manner, and these automated calls are part of an elaborate scam.

But sadly, scams are becoming more and more convincing with each passing day, often taking direct aim at people where they're at their most notable.

Making it hard to detect what is, in fact, a legitimate message, and what is simply an attempt to steal your personal information or hack your bank account.

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Don't forget to hang up or turn off your phone.

It seems simple enough to remember.

But more and more people seem to forget this simple little step, and find themselves saying things which weren't meant to be heard by the person on the other end of the phone.

Or worse, if it's a FaceTime or Zoom chat, the person on the other end might see something that wasn't meant to be seen.

Redditor ScarTissue5 was curious to hear the many wild things people overheard when people thought they'd hung up, but didn't, leading them to ask:

"What’s the craziest thing you’ve heard someone say after they thought the phone call had ended but they forgot to hang up?"
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"Nice to hear from you stranger."

That is my phone greeting when I call my mother.

Though we've texted that day and spoke two days before.

It's fine. I know I don't call... because I'm lazy sometimes.

And honestly, not much new to report.

We all have "reasons" for not phoning mom.

And she knows them, so you might as well spill.

Redditormassatonwanted everyone to answer why they are reading this and not calling home! They asked:

"So, what is your excuse for not calling your mother?"
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