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People Break Down Which Things Genuinely Scare Them To The Core
Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

We all have fears. Some are the spectacular phobia kind, things like spiders and heights. And other fears come from all the media we consume, the narratives of abduction and murder that dominate television and movies.

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People Divulge Their Biggest Irrational Fear
Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay

Even the strongest of personalities have that one paralyzing fear or phobia that cannot be understood by others.

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People Admit Their Most Unusual Fears
PeopleImages / Getty Images

Everyone is afraid of something, but for most of us it's something that "makes sense" like spiders, snakes, etc. That's not the case for everyone, though.

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People Open Up About Their Weirdest Phobias
Samer Daboul / Pexels

I hate clowns. Like a lot. I know a lot of people have a clown fear, but mine manifests more like an irrational anger towards clowns - thing is, I have a really good reason for it.

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