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Let's face it: We all have petty opinions.

For example, I know I am rather anal-retentive about my cleaning. No one else does it the way I prefer the way I like it to be done so of course that means I'm stuck doing it myself.

You really can't trust most people to do it for you, and you'd be surprised how much I've sparred with friends over the possibility of hiring cleaning services. For one thing, as great as that would be, it's expensive. For another... would I actually be satisfied? How will they know except through osmosis that I prefer to load the dishwasher a certain way or have a specific way that I clean my air fryer?

The jury's out on that one, friends.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor shazulmonte asked the online community,

"What is the pettiest, silliest, most meaningless hill you are willing to die on?"
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911 Operators Break Down The Strangest Calls They've Ever Received
Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

Apparently, some people missed the lesson about how calling 911 should be reserved only for absolute emergencies.

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Don't be a snitch if there is really no reason to snitch. Students of all ages can be so petty and dramatic. I should know, in college I was one of them. LOL. Teachers wear so many hats in the course of a school day, referee and therapist sound like the most insane. Every five seconds you have someone running up to you to complain. There is a good life lesson, know when tattling is necessary. Is someone dead? Is someone injured? Then work it out yourselves kids.

Redditor u/Im-Original wanted the educators out there to give a few tales of tattlers by asking them to divulge.... Teachers of reddit, what is the stupidest reason a kid has told on someone else?
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People Share The Best 'F*** You' Moments In History

Telling a person to f*ck off has been a part of history since the beginning of time. The brightest and best throughout the centuries have done it, and have paved the way for us everyday folk to do it too. Here are some of history's best "f*ck you" moments, courtesy of Reddit.

u/paddyw23 asked: What is the most "f*ck you" moment in history?

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People Explain The Pettiest Reason They Broke Up With Someone
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Dating is weird. Boundaries go more and more away as the time goes by, but at first, boundaries can be pretty petty and low-set.

And if someone crosses one of those low-set boundaries, it's easy to write them off and say goodbye. Some may say you're petty, but you know you're just being real.

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