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The Weirdest Animal Facts People Know

Reddit user FunChemical3182 asked: 'What is the weirdest animal fact you know?'

Michael Jerrard on Unsplash

People accumulate facts throughout life on a wide variety of subjects.

Some are mundane while others are weird, wild or wonderful.

One subject a lot of people focus on is animals. Most people have a favorite animal that fascinates them that they want to know all about.

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People Who Were Forced To Choose Between Their Pet And Their Partner Explain What Happened
Photo by Andrew S on Unsplash

Our pets are part of the family.

Any person who doesn't get that is not someone I can know.

They are there through it all.

They help with the good, the bad and the ugly.

So when it comes to choosing between a pet and a person... the answer can make things awkward.

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Dog And A Cat
Photo by Andrew S on Unsplash

Be it a dog, cat, goldfish, or even tarantula, pets are the comfort we all need when we come home at the end of the day.

Indeed, little makes us happier than when they come to greet us at the door or when we peek into their tank or enclosure and say hello.

What often goes unnoticed, however, is how perceptive animals are.

They tend to know when we are happy or sad and act accordingly.

Most surprising, however, is when, without realizing it, pet owners succeed in conditioning their pets to do certain things... or behave a certain way.

Much to our delight, frustration, or, on rare occasions, our disgust.

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The Absolute Worst Pet Names According To Veterinarians
Tillmann Hübner/Unsplash

We tend to scoff at terrible baby names–especially the ones that make us sympathize with the child who will ultimately face humiliation as they grow up.

But equally as cringy are certain names people name their pets.

Sure, they may come from a loving place, but still, poor doggo.

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couple sitting on sofa behind large white dog
sarandy westfall on Unsplash

It takes people no time at all to realize how much their life changes when adopting a pet.

First and foremost, of course, is the joy they bring, be it snuggling on the sofa, or going for a walk in the park.

Overtime, however, we might begin to notice how our own day to day routine might have changed since bringing home our puppy, kitten or guppy.

Indeed, sharing your home with a pet might result in you making changes to your diet, exercise regime or cleaning habits without even realizing it.

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