pet peeves

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People Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves About Dining Out At Restaurants
Photo by Toni Koraza on Unsplash

Why can't people behave like normal human beings? Why is going out to eat for a simple meal such an arduous issue?

Dining out has always been a fun life pastime, but has quickly turned into an anxiety-inducing circus.

When I'm out to eat, there is so much wrong happening that I witness.

It's just as delicious and easy to microwave leftovers.

I also may just be overly dramatic and picky. A lot of things disturb my dining peace, but I'm not alone.

Redditor DateInteresting wanted to talk about how to act in when eating out, it's time for lessons. They asked:

What really pisses you off inside Restaurants?
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People Share The Most Commonly Misused Words

/ Contributor via Getty Images

You know what's annoying? When people use the term "literally", well, not literally. It kind of defeats the entire purpose of the word! I'm not the only person frustrated- this batch of Redditors also have a thing or two to say about misusing words.

u/JohnO500 asked: What words are misused the most and how?

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People Share Their Biggest Movie Related Pet Peeves
Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

The theater is a sacred place. There are behaviors that decent people need to follow.

Be quiet, pay attention to the film and respect others.

But, films can be filled with things that are annoying.

Why can't Hollywood find more originality? Who is writing the characters?

The same old isn't flying any longer.

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Drivers Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves On The Road

Driving is a game of survival. Everyday we take our lives in our own hands behind the wheel. People are crazy and it doesn't take much to ruin driving. Driving is actually a rudimentary skill, so it's mind boggling that people can be so stupid or insane when performing on the tar. How do people not know the basics?

Redditor u/pqlt wanted drivers out there to discuss the worst of the road by asking.... Drivers of Reddit, what's your biggest pet peeve on the road?

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Actions speak louder than words, though words can set my temper ablaze just as prudently as an action. Do you all notice that we are all pretty good at keeping our emotions in check with the big issues? Like when someone does us wrong we take a step back (to evaluate and plot revenge) and process our emotional state as to not jump straight to fury. Fury can be counter productive. So why is it the little things that push us to insanity; like killing one another over a meal or a parking spot... makes no sense. Perhaps we're all trapped in a "this is the last straw syndrome?"

Redditor wanted to hear from everyone about the little things in life that can turn us front Jekyll to Hyde in seconds by asking.... What is the smallest thing that makes you lose your temper immediately?

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