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People Reveal Which Things They 100% Judge Someone For

Reddit user dolphinsR4evr asked: 'What is something you have a hard time not judging people about?'

man wearing Nike camouflage t-shirt

Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

The Bible advises people to judge not, lest they be judged.

Which seems to have been lost in translation for too many purported adherents to its teachings.

On a secular level, we're told to not judge a book by its cover, but sometimes...

Sometimes it's hard not to get judgy.

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Man rolling his eyes
Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

When conversing, it's generally a good idea to make sure both you and the person you're speaking to get equal time.

So, if the focus has been on you for a fair amount of time, it's perhaps wise to ask your conversation partner a question and pivot the subject to them.

Unfortunately, some people have trouble talking about anything other than themselves and take every opportunity to pivot the conversation back to them if they sense it veering away.

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Person reading
Anita Jankovic /Unsplash

Eccentric people tend to give the impression they are always outgoing and don't have a problem being the center of attention.

But that's not always the case.

People have complex personalities that can't always be categorized strictly within either of the binary classifications of introvert or extrovert.

Sometimes, those who are perceived as eccentrics might actually prefer their solitude but adapt to varying social situations like myself–though my friends may never be cognizant of it.

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People Share The Subtle Red Flags That Someone Is An A**hole
Photo by Dawid Małecki on Unsplash

Wanting to see the best in everyone is not a crime.

But sometimes it can be a hindrance.

Most of the time, it's a superpower.

But, there are less than stellar humans out there.

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People Share The Most Unsettling Facts About Themselves
Atharva Tulsi/Unsplash

CW: suicide.

Most people can be very guarded because of their vulnerabilities, even if you think you know them really well.

These disconcerting memories or character traits are better left undisclosed, for they can be painful for individuals to revisit or acknowledge.

On the other hand, opening up about these disturbing facts can also be therapeutic as long as they are revealed anonymously.

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