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Two women gossiping
Ben White/Unsplash

Everyone has a secret–a shameful history, an embarrassing tendency, or a life hack they want to keep to themselves.

Whatever it is, secrets can either completely destroy one's reputation because of a regretful past or make them venerated for an admirable act done anonymously to avoid praise.

These mysterious qualities keep you from fully understanding who your friends really are.

Do you truly really know your boss, the person you've looked up to all your life, your child, or even your spouse?

What would happen if you discovered something about them that wasn't intended for you to find out?

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People Share Personal Truths That No One Ever Believes Are Actually True
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When miracles or dèjá vu happen to others on just an ordinary day why are we so keen to dismiss it? When we tell people we came in contact with someone famous or describe how we single handedly saved a school bus chuck full of nun's from a fall off a cliff it seems impossible to believe. Strange and fantastical things happen every so often. They are rare moments witnessed by few. We can't all be everywhere at once to solidify a story. Soon in the future we'll all live in state controlled surveillance so it'll get easier to prove one's wild tales.

Redditor u/fourtaco wanted to hear some personal tea spillage and we'll see what's real by asking..... What is something about yourself that is completely true but that nobody would believe?

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In this day and age it is so rare we find connection, isn't it? Everybody is on a phone or a tablet or just lost in a world of their own. Communication has become a truncated action, which is so sad. How in the world will we listen or hear without communication? Texting maybe easy and quick but it's impersonal. And surprisingly, some of us still enjoy a human voice to speak with. It reminds us that we're all connected.

Redditor u/bawzz wanted people to share as to what makes a voice a priority over reading by asking.... Those who always call instead of text, why?
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People Divulge The Best Advice They've Ever Received

The best advice I ever gotten helped me become way less self-conscious.

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People Break Down Their Biggest First Date Deal Breakers

Dating is tricky business.

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