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People Imagine Which Upgrades They Would Like To Make To The Human Penis
charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Body modification procedures are not uncommon these days.

If it makes a person have an improved perception of their bodies, the option for body enhancement should be available to them without judgment.

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It's safe to say most men are obsessed with their penises.

I mean, I get it... I'm a dude, in case you haven't figured it out yet. A penis is a sensitive organ, okay?

Super sensitive. We're bound to be very protective of it.

We know that penises allow us to urinate and that they also play a major role in human reproduction. But suppose they could do much more than that?

Men could truly take over the world—not that they haven't already, but more on that some other time.

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You know what they say about crabs with big shells.

Big shells, big...scientific discoveries!

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Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, teachers and students alike. The classroom is one of the most interesting places. Not everything the teacher says is Gospel and more often than not what stumbles out of the mouth of a student will sound more like a punchline than knowledge. But there is always knowledge in the answers, right or wrong. And often a response can be shocking and hilarious.

Redditor u/6456290 wanted to hear what the kids today are hearing in class.... What is the most hilariously incorrect thing a teacher told your class?

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