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Being a doctor comes with many challenges.

Long hours, challenging surgeries, icky symptoms or injuries.

The most frustrating challenge that all doctors find themselves dealing with, however, might be stubborn patients.

Patients who think they know better than their doctors, despite the fact that they haven't completed medical school or residency.

Or patients who simply don't seem to grasp what their doctors are telling them and constantly return with the same problem.

Often putting themselves in dangerous, possibly fatal, situations, and leading their doctors to wish that all their patients were just ever so slightly more informed.

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People Confess The Details Of Their Most Embarrassing Trip To The Doctor

A visit to the doctor is hardly ever a pleasant one, but we do what we must to ensure we have a clean bill of health.

But that doesn't mean patients aren't apprehensive about going to see their doctor for weird or embarrassing ailments–like the common case scenario where patients seek assistance after having foreign objects stuck in orifices where they don't belong or accidents involving the genitals.
Or, once in the doctor's office, there is no shortage of awkward conversations that can take place–all for the sake of making sure you're in tip-top shape.
The list is endless.
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Psychiatrists Share The Symptoms That Told Them A Patient Wasn't Doing Well
Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Therapy is a must for everyone in life. We need to make it accessible worldwide.

Why is mental health not considered not as important as physical health?

Maybe if everyone could afford to be in weekly care, we'd have a person looking over us who can call out the signs when we're falling apart.

And then maybe we'd all be a little happier and a little safer.

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People Describe The Worst Cases Of Medical Malpractice They've Seen
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Yes, doctors are miracle workers, a lot of the time.

But doctors and, all medical personal for that matter, are only human.

They make mistakes. Sometimes their mistakes lead to death or irreparable physical damage to a patient.

Beyond mistakes though, just like any other job or career field, you do have those people that make everyone wonder... "How the HELL did you get this job?"

That shouldn't be a question for a doctor.

Redditor PeaAdministrative874 wanted to hear about how participants in the medical field have made a few mistakes too many, by asking:

"[serious] What is the worst case of malpractice you've ever seen?"
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Hospitals are supposed to be places of healing and comfort.

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