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Speeding ambulance
Jonnica Hill/Unsplash

Aside from picking up a family member who is finally going home or going to experience the birth of a child, most trips to the hospital aren't usually ones to look forward to.

When you're a patient being admitted, chances are, an accident or a bad decision has led you there.

With medical professionals witnessing a garden variety of cases, there must be some cases that surely stuck out in their minds.

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A doctor is never a person you really want to see.

Attending doctor's appointments can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many of us.

Even if it's just a run-of-the-mill check-up, no one really wants to be there.

So why should people in the medical field feel any different than the rest of us?

After all, doctors make the worst patients.

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Some of us dread going to the doctor's office, but keeping up with your checkups is important. You wouldn't want to have a sudden health emergency would you? (Keeping up with appointments is kind of difficult to do in a nation where so many people are uninsured, but that's a topic for another article...)

Ask a doctor, ask any doctor, and they're bound to have a story about a patient who came in for a routine checkup, not thinking that their symptoms were in any way important.

We heard some of these stories after Redditor Cuteregister1827 asked the online community,

"Doctors of Reddit, what was your worst, 'I don't think this is important, but—' patient?"
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Anesthesiologists Share The Craziest Things Patients Have Said Under The Influence Of Medication
Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

Some of these modern medicines can really pack a wallop.

Remember that Taylor Swift video her mom took of her?

That was too good.

Patients teeter between a laugh riot and a hideous, dramatic mess.

Either way, it's pretty entertaining.

Redditor DvS_Insanity wanted to hear about what we all mumble when under the influence before surgery. They asked:

"Anesthesiologists of Reddit, what was something you won’t forget hearing from someone that was under?"
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Therapists Describe The Patient They Had Who Was A Genuinely Bad Person
Sozavisimost /pixabay

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

Patients are comforted in knowing when they seek a mental health specialist, they are in a safe space to ensure they can open up about the issues weighing on them without judgment.

Patient confidentiality is protected under state law, but that doesn't mean therapists don't silently judge a client's moral character if they are seriously flawed individuals.

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