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People Share The Best Airport Hacks They Know
Oskar Kadaksoo on Unsplash

The stress that can accompany travel on ground transportation pale to the anxiety of air travel.

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Being a driver is not an easy job and it certainly isn't a safe job. People be crazy. A lot of the time we as passengers are nervous about getting into the car of a stranger but imagine the nerves of the drivers, they are in contact with strangers (who could be complete whackos) consistently for hours on end. We've all seen the videos of passengers gone crazy on a loop. If I was a driver, I'd own stock in mace.

Redditor u/foosh124 wanted the Uber drivers out there tell us a few tales regarding their most "unique" passengers by asking.... Uber drivers of Reddit; what's the creepiest, weirdest, and/or most bizarre passenger experience you've had?

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Keanu Reeves Leads Stranded Plane Passengers On An Epic Road Trip Because He's Too Good For This World
@CheesyJedi, @keanusgf/Twitter

Stranded 100 miles from where they needed to be, passengers on a United Airlines flight might have anticipated an aggravating journey home.

But the unexpected company of actor Keanu Reeves turned their road trip into a most excellent adventure.

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People Are Applauding The Pilot Who Ordered 23 Pizzas For His Passengers After Being Stranded On Runway For Hours
@bill_karsten and @MeanmuthaC (Twitter)

Pizza has the power to save the day.

We all know this, but the following sweet story only emphasizes this fact of life.

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Flight attendants are heroes. Let's be honest, when we fly, we're a bunch of babies. We need and need and... NEED! And if you think about it so have the rest of us as passengers. People! Get your behavior in check for travel! Please!

Redditor u/sophmorph wanted the employees of the sky do discuss a few things by asking... Flight Attendants of reddit, what's the most ridiculous passenger you've ever had?

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