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People Share The Biggest Red Flags They Noticed In Their Partner

A Reddit user asked: 'What's your biggest red flag in a partner?'

When going on a first date, we are often on the lookout for "red flags", the key indicators that whoever is sitting across from us couldn't possibly be the love of our life.

More often than not, these red flags, be it something they said or did, are often a firm deal breaker in finding a partner.

Sometimes, however, there might be enough to make you overlook the glaring red flag you just had waved in your face.

And much to your surprise, you might find yourself falling head over heels in love with them, in spite of their one, obvious flaw.

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A man and woman walk through the woods holding hands
Photo by Corryne Wooten on Unsplash

Oh, the things our loved ones will say.

When you love someone, you accept a lot.

But when something bizarre comes out of their mouths, we sometimes must acknowledge it.

How often have you said... "Did you really say that?"

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The Most Eye-Opening Things People Realized After Living With A Woman
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

I've lived with women most of my life.

I went from my mom's house to jumping around with roommates.

But women tend to be particular.

About many things.

And there is always a ton of bathroom issues because guys can be gross without even realizing it.

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Things That Make A Potential Romantic Partner Instantly Unattractive
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

As the saying goes, true beauty comes from within

While physical attraction is indeed important in finding a romantic partner, it can be the sole factor one bases their decision on.

As some unpleasant surprises might be disguised in attractive packages.

No matter how chiseled their jaw-line, how much their eyes glisten, or how luxurious their hair feels as you rub your fingers through it, it might take only one small action from this seemingly perfect specimen to overshadow any and all remnants of beauty.

Making one think they might as well be on a date with a troll from under the bridge.

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Non-Asexuals Reactions To The Idea Of An Asexual Significant Other
Photo by Sdf Rahbar on Unsplash

No two people have the same sex drive.

There are those who simply can't get enough sex, as it is what empowers them and gives them purpose, such as the glorious Samantha Jones of Sex And The City.

Then there are those who could go days, weeks, months, even years without having even the tiniest sexual encounter, but live perfectly happy lives.

The proud asexuals.

Providing it is safe and consensual, there is no right and wrong when it comes to sex.

However, supposing one day two people had a classic Hollywood "meet cute", firmly believing it to be love at first sight, only to discover that one half of this prospective couple is asexual and the other is not.

What would their reactions be?

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