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The Tell-Tale Signs Someone Should Not Become A Parent

Reddit user SafetySnorkel asked: 'What are some signs you should NOT become a parent?'

A father carrying two toddlers while observing a boy running ahead of him in a field
Juliane Liebermann/Unsplash

Some people are not cut out to be parents. Some are adamant about not having kids.

But when life circumstances change and a baby is all of a sudden presented in front of a skeptic, there could be the possibility of a 180. Did anyone watch Waitress?

Miraculous change of heart aside, there are plenty of people who are just not at all the parenting type and are not cut out to look after the life of an infant to see it through to becoming an adult.

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Kid reaching for a strawberry on the kitchen countertop
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

There's no official manual on how to raise kids since every household has different protocols that have been passed down between generations.

And while general rules like "no running around the house" or "finish your plate or you get no dessert" may sound familiar, there are those that are so specific, they almost make no sense.

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Trash pileup in front of public garbage bin
Paul Schellekens/Unsplash

When we witness bad behavior from a person regardless of their age, some of us tend to blame it on poor parenting.

Whether it's a spoiled child causing a scene in public in response to not getting what they want or a grown adult acting out in a way that is cringeworthy, the indication of them lacking any sort of discipline in their lives can be obvious.

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In an ideal world, all parents are their children's best and biggest cheerleaders. Children deserve to grow up feeling loved and supported.

Unfortunately, that's not always the case, and even the most well-intentioned parents falter from time to time and can harm their kids in irreparable ways.

This leaves kids with a choice when they grow up.

Do they continue the cycle? Or do they decide to change their behavior and not repeat it with their own children?

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Raising a child is hard and can take a toll on even the best parents. Children can bring a lot of joy but they can also be very frustrating, and it's okay to give parents room to vent. Sometimes, try as they might, nothing they do can calm a child down.

And that seems to hit the hardest during the toddler stage, when children really, really don't know how to handle their own emotions. They'll yell and kick and scream, sometimes for no reason at all.

What's up with that, right?

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