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Things Parents Do That Unknowingly Screw Their Children Over

Reddit user RunningInAHurricane asked: 'What do a lot of parents do that unknowingly screws their children over?'

man and woman together with boy and girl looking at green trees during day

Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Parenting isn't a simple job.

The health, safety and well-being of another human being is on the line. Eventually that human will enter society with all the lessons or traumas of their childhood shaping them.

That's a lot of responsibility.

But even the most well-meaning parents can mess up.

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Toddler crying at beach birthday party
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Anyone who doesn't have children yet will be told by someone how magical and beautiful being a parent is. Some will even argue that a person's life has not begun until they have kids.

But as some parents will point out, life as a parent is not made up of all unicorns and rainbows, and it certainly doesn't always smell like roses.

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There are people who spend their adolescence and early adulthood dreaming of being a parent.

And those people should have every opportunity to achieve that dream for as long as it remains a life goal.

Then there are people who never feel the pull to be a parent.

But society tends to only ask one group "why."


While asking any person that question is rude AF—seriously, don't ask people why they don't have/want children—the anonymous realm of AskReddit is a different environment where people can be honest with few repercussions.

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People Share Their Views On Having Children
Kelli McClintock on Unsplash

I've known many people who grew up in happy and stable families. I also know plenty of others who did not have the best upbringing or who don't get along with their parents one bit.

A while back, someone confided in me that they do not feel their parent were meant to have children. This was a lot for this person to take in. What would their parent's life have been like if they had felt comfortable or had been able to make a different choice?

It's a lot to think about — having a child is one of those singular events that can change the trajectory of your entire life.

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Parents Share The Moment They Realized They Really Didn't Like Their Own Kid
Derek Owens on Unsplash

People say parenting is one of the most rewarding things in life. That all of the lack of sleep, constant crying, and stress is worth it when you see your baby smile. And all of that is true, for the most part.

However, being a parent is hard, and it's not always easy to give that unconditional love. Sometimes, you do your best for your kids and they still turn out to be people you can't really reconcile with.

You'll always love your kids, but sometimes it's near impossible to like them.

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