paranormal experiences

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The Strangest Paranormal Activity People Witnessed

"Reddit user AdonisBlackwood asked: 'What paranormal activities have you witnessed?'"

The paranormal is among us at all times.

The ghosts, the spirits, they "live" in their death.

Sometimes a coincidence or a phenomenon is something more.

Leftover essences have been seen and recorded.

Now not everybody is cool with every encounter.

I still have shivers depending on the mood.

But when will we all be on the same page and start living 'Beetlejuice?'


That could help with the spookiness of it all.

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People Describe The Most Distressing Paranormal Activity They've Ever Experienced
Nathan Wright on Unsplash

Is the paranormal real?

While there are plenty of skeptics, there are many who insist that it is, and that they have the experiences to prove it.

And suppose you do think the paranormal is a thing. It would likely scare you. It might even scare you a lot. So much so that you'll be writing about it years later on a Reddit forum.

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People Break Down Their Craziest Experiences With The Paranormal
Image by Veronica Bosley from Pixabay

Boo! Are you scared yet?! You should be, the spirits and their ilk are listening.

The paranormal is a thing. Yes, sometimes our minds do play a trick or two on us, but you cannot discount the ghosts and the unrested dead.

Death does probably get a little boring, so you gotta keep it lively and haunt a few of the living.

That was the point of Beetlejuice. Wasn't it?

Redditor u/DrRiffs wanted to discuss the spirits by asking:

What is the craziest paranormal experience you've had?
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