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People Share The Most Important Lessons They've Learned From The Pandemic

No one can deny that the first year or so of the global pandemic was a difficult time for everyone.

In addition to the fact that people had to remain home, and limit all communication with friends and family through phone and video chat, people had to adjust to working or studying from home, and be on their guard when out and about in public.

But now, just over two years later and as things seem to be easing back to normal, one can now look back on these difficult years and realize the many lessons we as a society have learned.

Some might fill our hearts with hope and optimism and others which might infuriate us for the rest of our lives.

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A serious amount of introspection occurs when you're stuck at home with nothing but your Netflix watchlist and your thoughts to comfort you.

The pandemic revealed the best and the worst of humanity.
It cast forth all the good many did when the lockdown hit—first responders, scientists, public works programs, teachers, all forced to adapt to a new, slightly more dangerous, world.

We've learned a lot, and seen a lot, as evidenced by these stories below.

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People Explain The Reasons They Actually Like Wearing A Mask Unrelated To The Pandemic
Pille R. Priske on Unsplash

Many people who abided by mask-wearing protocols during the pandemic have adapted to protect themselves and others from the contagious viral pathogen on a daily basis.

While various parts of the world still have varying levels of safety and health mandates in place, many people opt to wear masks, even though a particular establishment or other public places no longer require them.

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People Who Quit Their Jobs This Year Share The Real Reason Why They Left​
Christina @

There are a lot of reasons to quit a job, especially during a pandemic. Not being appreciated, being overworked, burnout—even simple boredom.

Staying in a job you hate is soul-sucking, so it's no surprise that a lot of folks have decided to move on to bigger and better things recently.

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People Explain How Their Personality Has Changed Because Of The Pandemic
Image by Orna Wachman from Pixabay

The pandemic upended many of our lives, and the stress only added to our anxiety from either worrying about succumbing to the virus or going crazy after months of self-isolation.

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