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Students in a classroom
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

One never usually expects every kid to be excited to go to school.

But when children all over the world were forced to finish their school years from home when the pandemic hit in 2020, they all might have realized that they might have enjoyed the ins and outs of school a bit more than they thought.

So, as schools started to gradually re-open, children practically couldn't wait to get back into a classroom.

For the most part, that is.

While many proud parents and teachers posted many happy pictures of children joyously returning to their classrooms, in no time at all, students quickly realized that going to school was going to be a completely different experience than before the pandemic.

Even today, when most, if not all, schools have dropped the protocols they implemented when re-opening after the pandemic, teachers have noticed changes big and small in the behavior of their students.

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People Share Their Best Pandemic Purchases
Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The pandemic has had a lot of side effects: working from home, social isolation, online shopping...

Some of them have led to unexpected purchases.

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Our lives have all changed in innumerable ways since the start of the pandemic. Many of us have lost friends, family, and colleagues, and our day to day lives have changed drastically too.

Going out to the club, eating at restaurants, going to the mall, etc... are all vastly different experiences that many of us are avoiding altogether when possible. Religious services, doctor's appointments, classes and many other social experiences have moved online.

There are lots of things to miss about pre-pandemic life.

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People Break Down The Pre-Pandemic Habits That Seem Weird Now
Xingyue HUANG on Unsplash

During the pandemic citizens around the world were forced to adapt to new ways of living for their own protection and for the general greater good.

But after adjusting to a new normal, how we conducted ourselves prior to the pandemic has become strangely out of place.
For instance, in our current crisis situation, if someone extends their hand to you in an effort for you to shake it, would you feel apprehensive about engaging in the physical gesture?
Think about it.
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As many of our lives were significantly impacted due to the global health crisis, we learned the limits of our tolerance and impatience.

In self-isolation, with seemingly endless amounts of time contemplating our existence, we learned a lot about our capabilities as well.

We can master new technology when forced to adapt to a new normal by using Zoom. Also, it turns many of us are not that horrible in the kitchen when we're having to save money and make our own meals.

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