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The Stupidest Things People Have Ever Heard Someone Say

"Reddit user JasperMidnight asked: 'What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard someone say that they were 100% serious about?'"

People say the craziest things.

Sometimes I stand in silence, my jaw on the floor, after I hear a person speak.

I hate to call anyone dumb, but let's get real.

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People discuss things in private about another person – whether it is purely gossip, or how they really feel about them.

These conversations about a friend or family member usually take place behind their backs, so as not to upset anyone.

But some conversations about them take place with the person in the vicinity when they are asleep.

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People Break Down The Stupidest Thing They've Ever Heard Someone Say
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

Why are people so dumb? Ok, maybe that's harsh. Maybe some of us just speak dumb.

I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt when in conversation, but I'm consistently disappointed.

So I've come to three conclusions... people really don't think before they speak, brain farts are more frequent then we'd like to believe or... people are dumb. And maybe hearing isn't a gift, but a curse.


Redditor u/Away_Television9221 wanted to discuss the things we've heard that made us want to stab our ears repeatedly by asking:

What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard someone say?
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Bartenders Break Down The Craziest Things They've Overheard While Making Drinks
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Belly up to the bar folks, 'cause there are some wild tales to be told as you sip your sarsaparilla.

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Teachers Divulge The Most Amusing Family Secrets They Accidentally Learned From Their Students
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Parents... one of the first life lessons you should be teaching your children is the art of discretion. Children have loose lips. That's why inappropriate four letter words could come flying out of their mouths at any given moment. Family secrets should be explained as such. I know when I was a kid I was a treasure trove of stories. I knew all about the family and neighborhood news because adults assumed I wasn't listening. The surprise was on them. Especially when all the news is aired to educators.

Redditor u/reasonable_doubt1776 couldn't wait to hear from the educators out there who've discovered some "surprising" facts about their pupils by asking... Teachers of Reddit, what amusing family secrets did you accidentally learn from your overly talkative students?
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