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Woman holding her head in her hands
Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

If there was one good thing to come out of the pandemic, it was that it made us all the more appreciative of all that is good in our lives.

No one ever appreciated the importance of friends or family more, having to be kept apart from each other for months, or the little things which bring us joy, which we made sure to keep doing even as pandemic restrictions were lifted.

Of course, being alone with our thoughts for such a long time also resulted in our reflecting on things in our lives, or in the world in general, which we were less than happy about.

Not to mention the all-important realization that life is short and precious, and we don't have time to waste our thoughts on some things.

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Things That People Are Absolutely Sick Of
Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

Doesn't it just seem like everyone is just over everything?

People are exhausted with arguing and the constant cycle of the same nonsense.

And now, no matter what side you're on, we're about to re-enter a repeat presidential race.

It's all too much.

It's a miracle we get out of bed and function.

But where is the change?

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People Explain What Instantly Made Them Lose All Interest In A Crush
Photo by Phix Nguyen on Unsplash

Instant attraction is real.

And it can be a real problem.

You want people to like you.

You want them to be who you think they are.

But then it can all change in an instant.

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People Confess What Makes Them Instantly Reject Someone On Dating Apps
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I haven't been on a dating app since pre-Covid.

And just the thought of it gives me a stomach ache.

I have no time for nonsense.

State your business or go.

Yeah... I've been destined to die single.

Let's go back to meeting in person.
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People Explain Which Things Just Aren't Worth The Effort
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Life is too short and too precious.

So why do we waste so much time on trivial things?

If it's overly complicated or the result isn't life changing... why bother?

We need to decide sooner when to save our energy and effort.

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